Tentacle Shield for Arduino and Atlas Scientific devices
The sensor circuits are not included. Works with current and all Atlas Scientific EZO sensor circuits: PH, EC, DO, ORP.
Part # TEN-SH
Tentacle is an Arduino shield to host up to 4 sensor stamps from Atlas Scientific to measure PH, Dissolved Oxygen, Electric Conductivity (E.C.) and Oxidation-Reduction Potential (ORP).
The Tentacle Shield isolates the sensors individually and eliminates issues with noise and ground loops that can arise using the sensor circuits in closed systems such as aquariums, hydroponics, aquacultures.
measure the the acidity or basicity of an aqueous solution
Dissolved Oxygen
measure the amount of oxygen that is dissolved or carried in the solution
Electric Conductivity
measure the concentration of salts (salinity, fertilizer, etc.) and Totally Dissolved Solids (TDS) in a solution
Oxidation-Reduction Potential (ORP)
measure the cleanliness of the water and its ability to break down contaminants
Mix and match legacy and new EZO sensor stamps.
The sensor circuits are not included. Works with current and all Atlas Scientific EZO sensor circuits: PH, EC, DO, ORP.
Compatible with all versions of sensor circuits by Atlas Scientific. Freely combine different types of sensors. For example use 4x PH or 2x PH and 2x E.C. or any combination of PH, dissolved oxygen, E.C., ORP that fits your needs. The Tentacle does not include any Atlas Scientific devices, please buy separately.
NOTE: The Tentacle shield is COMPATIBLE with all 5V-tolerant Arduinos (Uno, Mega, Yun, & many more). However, the Tentacle shield is NOT COMPATIBLE with Arduinos that cant tolerate 5V on their I/O pins (Zero, Due, etc). If you need 3.3V compatibility, the Tentacle Mini is for you.