Mini ACA CURRENT ADAPTER Model : CA-201 * 2 ranges : 20 A,200 A * Output : 1 ACmV per 1 ACA (200 A). 10 ACmV per 1 ACA (20 A). * Size : 180 x 47 x 35 mm
DCA/ACA CURRENT ADAPTERModel : CA-203* Range : DCA, ACA, 200 A, 2000 A.* DCA Output : 1 DCmV/1 DCA.* ACA Output : 1 ACmV/1 ACA.* Size : 210 x 64 x 33 mm
DCA/ACA CURRENT ADAPTER Model : CA-501 (200A, 400A) * Output : 1 ACmV/1 ACA, 1 DCmV/1 DCA. * CA-501 : 200 x 80 x 30 mm. * CA-202 : 185 x 78 x 30 mm.
DCA/ACA CURRENT ADAPTER Model : CA-502 * Range : DCA, ACA, 200 A, 1000 A * DCA Output : 1 DCmV/1 DCA. * ACA Output : 1 ACmV/1 ACA. * Size : 185 x 78 x 30 mm
ANEMOMETER ADAPTER Model : AM-402 * Measurement : m/s, km/h, ft/min, knots. * Output : 1 mV per 1 m/s, per 1 km/h, per 100 ft/min, per 1 knots.* Size : 100x50x25 mm, Sensor-72 mm Dia.
EMF ADAPTER Model : EMF-824 * Electromagnetic field radiation adapter. * Range : 20 micro Tesla, 200 milli-Gauss. * 1 m Gauss (0.1 u Tesla) per 1 DC mV. * Size : 100x50x25 mm.-main instrument.
PRESSURE ADAPTERModel : PS-403 * 1 mV per kPa, psi, cm-Hg, in-Hg. * Pressure : 0.5 to 500 psi. * Vacuum : 0 to 29.99 in-Hg * Weight : 285 g. * Size : 100 x 50 x 25 mm.
SOUND ADAPTERModel : SL-406 * Frequency and time weighting meet IEC 61672 class 2. * A frequency weighting. * Range : 3 ranges, 30 to 130 dB. * Output : 1 mV per 1 dB. * External Calibration adj. VR.
HIGH VOLTAGE PROBE Model : HV-40 * DC : 0 to 40 KV, AC : 28 KV rms. * 1000 M input impedance, 1/1000 att. * DCV : 1% (1 to 20 KV), 1.5% (>20kV). * ACV : 5 % (>1 KV, 50/60Hz). * Size : 340 x...
Model : ST-50 * Resistance shunt match DMM DC 200 mV range to measure current up to DC/AC 50A precisely. * Output - 1 ACmV/1 ACA, 1 DCmV/1 DCA. * Size : 135 x 30 x 30 mm.