The Atlas Scientific Arduino Rapid Development Shield has been designed to make debugging and testing a snap for any embedded systems engineer who are working on an Arduino based device.
Do you need to connect 4 or more chemical sensors to a single UART RX and TX line?
The Atlas Scientific Conductivity Kit comes with everything you need to get your laboratory grade embedded Conductivity system up and running.
The Atlas Scientific Dissolved Oxygen Kit comes with everything you need to get your laboratory grade embedded Dissolved Oxygen system up and running.
The Atlas Scientific pH Kit comes with everything you need to get your laboratory grade embedded pH system up and running.
Need a little bit more reach? How about 3 meters (10 feet)? Remember, if that connection point is submerged underwater, you are going to need to waterproof it. • 3 Meter / 10 Foot BNC Extension...
Need to get all of your Atlas Scientific equipment calibrated and running smoothly in the shortest amount of time?
The ENV-SDS (Star Dot Star) full water monitoring Kit is a single kit that includes ALL the equipment needed to build a full environmental water monitoring kit.
The EZO-RGB™ can be fully submerged in fresh water or salt water, up to the tinned leads indefinitely.
Atlas Scientific chemical circuits are sensitive devices. Small wiring mistakes can cause lots of headaches. If you can’t make a customized PCB for the chemical circuit, a single circuit carrier...
Sometimes you just need a fast way to connect an Atlas Scientific chemical sensor to a computer. Nothing is faster than this, place the Circuit into the female header pins and connect it to your pc.