LeWL windlogger has been designed for small wind turbines no higher than 13 meters.
The LeWL shares many features from the professional wind energy world:
•Average, standard deviation and Gust wind speeds recorded every 1 minute or 10 minutes
•Two anemometers input to measure at different heights (wind shear, turbulence...)
•Time series data recorded on Industrial grade SD card.
•Rugged IP65 enclosure
•Spreadsheet and Java program to create reports for Frequency distribution and wind roses
•Rugged design
•2 x Anemometer inputs + 1 Wind vane
•Low power consumption, runs on alkaline batteries
•Data stored on SD/MMC card
•OTR: -15°C to +50°C
•Communications: RS232 compatible
•Data stored in spreadsheet format
LeWL stand alone wind speed data logger - No need for a computer to log data. It is a completely stand alone system.
The LeWL stand alone wind speed logger comprises of two digital channels of contact closure from an anemometer, an analogue channel for measuring wind direction from a potentiometer style vane and a built in temperature sensor.
The unit is fully configurable to select between one or two simultaneous anemometer readings with changeable conversion factor to calculate wind speed. The wind direction readings are temporally stored in 16 bins (i.e.: NNW, SSE).
LeWL Wind Speed logger records the wind speed data with a date and time stamp per record. The file generated is fully PC compatible. Just insert the memory card into a memory card reader and access the data with your favourite spreadsheet application.
Wind Logger in Sub-zero Conditions
Our Wind Logger – still capturing data at -17°c
Pro wind logger kit, contain: