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Spiegel Relaskop


The Precision Mechanical Tool of Professional Foresters

The relascope, invented by Walter Bitterlich, is a multi-use instrument for forest inventory. It is primarily used to find height of a tree, basal area of a tree and diameter of a tree anywhere along the bole. This instrument is used mostly for applications involving variable radius sample plots in a forest survey.

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The most popular hand-held forestry instrument.

The Relaskops are principally known in connection with angle-count sampling (ACS), a method which determines basal area density in forests by a simple counting method.

The Relaskop automatically corrects for any inclination in the line of sight, making it possible to easily find the stand basal area in square meters per hectare either at breast height (1.3m above the ground) or any other height.

The Relaskops offer quite a few other measurement applications in practical and scientific forestry.


For example:
Relaskops are the principle instrument of "variable plot sampling", which has the special advantage of selecting a basal-area weighted distribution. In addition, the appropriate stem numbers per hectare can be derived from the ACS selection sample.
Quick determination of the "slenderness" (height/diameter ratio) of standing trees.
Determination of form heights, and the volumes of standing trees by Pressler's formula.
Determination of slope angles


Penjelasan dari perbedaan skala dari Spigel Relaskop sbb:

Metric Standard, sejak lama disebut "Metric Scale”, sangat cocok untuk kondisi hutan beriklim dengan diameter pohon hingga 80 cm, dan terutama ditandai untuk mengukur ketinggian dari jarak standar 15, 20, 25 atau 30 meter seperti yang diperkenalkan dalam praktek umum di daerah-daerah tertentu.

Wide Scale, juga disebut "skala hutan perawan", adalah skala khusus yang dikembangkan untuk pengukuran diameter pohon besar pada ketinggian yang berbeda, untuk sudut - hitung sampling dengan basal besar - faktor daerah, dan untuk tujuan survei sederhana. Ini dapat digunakan untuk pengukuran dalam sistem metrik maupun sistem satuan Inggris feet dan inch.

Metric CP menggabungkan fungsi MS dan skala WS. Untuk alasan ini, adalah pilihan yang sangat serbaguna. American Scale memiliki fungsi analog dengan MS, tapi dirancang khusus untuk hutan hutan di daerah Amerika Utara. Pengukuran dalam satuan standard Amerika, yaitu dalam feet dan inch.

Mereka yang menggunakan pengukuran satuan unit Inggris, seharusnya tidak secara otomatis memilih Relaskop American Scale. Mereka mungkin menemukan bahwa Wide Scale atau Metric CP, lebih fleksibel, bahkan untuk digunakan dengan Pengukuran satuan unit Inggris.

Saduran dari manual book Spigel, yang berbahasa Inggris:

Metric Standard, in previous years called "Metric Scale", is especially suitable for forestry conditions of temperate climates with tree diameters of up to 80 centimeters, and is especially marked for measuring heights from the standard distances of 15, 20, 25 or 30 meters as introduced in general practice in certain regions.

Wide Scale, also called " virgin forest scale " , is a special scale developed for the measurement of large tree diameters at different heights, for angle - count sampling with large basal - area factors, and for simple surveying purposes. It may be used for the measurement in the metric system as well as in the English system of feet and inches.

Metric CP combines the functions of the MS and WS scales. For this reason, it is a very versatile choice. The American Scale has functions analogous to MS, but was specially designed for Northern America. The measurements are given in the American forestry dimension s of feet and inches.

Those who use English units of measure should not automatically select the American Scale Relaskop. They might find that Wide or Metric CP Scales are more versatile, even for use with English Measurements

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Spiegel Relaskop

Spiegel Relaskop

The Precision Mechanical Tool of Professional Foresters

The relascope, invented by Walter Bitterlich, is a multi-use instrument for forest inventory. It is primarily used to find height of a tree, basal area of a tree and diameter of a tree anywhere along the bole. This instrument is used mostly for applications involving variable radius sample plots in a forest survey.

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