The HIKMicro MINI1 smartphone module is equipped with an IR detector, and adopts thermal imaging technology. It connects with your mobile phone via a Type-C interface. You can view the target, detect temperature, capture pictures, or record videos through the mobile app HIKMICRO Viewer.
◆ Thermal Sensitivity or NETD: < 40 mK vs 70 mK on Flir One Pro (Nilai makin kecil, semakin sensitif)
◆ Fast image frequency: 25 Hz (frames per second). Freq. makin tinggi, hasil gambar akan lebih halus ketika shoot benda bergerak (dynamo, dll) vs 9Hz on Flir One Pro. 25Hz = 25 gbr per detik vs 9 gbr per detik pada Flir One Pro
◆ Interested? Please don't hesitate to call us @022-7106162
◆ Small and easy to carry, does not require a separate charger or power supply
◆ Battery life: Depend on your smartphone battery vs 1 hour on Flir One Pro
◆ Weight: only 26gr vs 36.5gr on Flir One Pro
◆ Thermal resolution: 160 × 120 (19,200 pixels) same as Flir One Pro
◆ OR wa us @0811-2106162 / Telegram @dutapersada2
◆ USB Type-C Interface (Android)
◆ Accurate temperature measurement
◆ High temperature alarm
◆ 7 Different color palettes
◆ Image Sensor: Vanadium Oxide Uncooled Focal Plane Arrays
◆ Pixel Pitch: 17 μm
◆ Spectral Range: 8 -14 μm
◆ Focal Length: 3.2 mm
◆ Interested? Please don't hesitate to call us @022-7106162
◆ FOV (Field of View): 38° × 50°
◆ Focus: Fixed
◆ Aperture: F1.1
◆ Minimum Focus Distance: 20 cm
◆ Object Temp. Range: -20 °C to 350 °C
◆ Protection Level: IP40
◆ HIKMICRO Mini1 Module
◆ Quick Start Guide
◆ Store Bag
◆ USB Adapter